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Student tutoring

The Student Tutors are Blanko’s main information providers to freshers. Blanko has the main responsibility when Student Tutors are recruited every spring. Their task is to provide information concerning studying, university life, and various practical matters. From Blanko’s point of view, it is especially important that the Student Tutors also share information about Blanko and Blanko’s activities and events. Student tutoring is implemented with the degree program and is a mandatory part of freshers’ orientation. Student Tutoring meetings have an 80 percent attendance requirement.

All students can apply to become Student Tutors. Freshers may have a particularly vivid memory of the joys that come with starting university. The degree program’s representative and our Fresher Manager are responsible for choosing the Student Tutors. In the spring, training events are organized by the faculty and the degree program, and in the fall the Student Tutor’s get information about Blanko. Therefore, you will have enough information to act as a Student Tutor before you start!

There is no need to guide new students for free! Student Tutors are paid approximately 14€ per hour up to a certain number of hours. In addition, Student Tutors receive study credits and a work certificate. The experience gained by Student Tutors is valuable for future professionals and in the job market. And best of all, you get to meet new people!

Join Blanko’s activities

There can never be too many Blanko actives. Feel free to attend the board meetings and share your ideas on improving our guild. Guild activities are for having fun and spending time together and are based on voluntary work. We have a friendly and open atmosphere, and it is easy to join us. If you have even the slightest interest in attending our meetings, please don’t hesitate to come! We announce the time and place of our board meetings through email and the event calendar.