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Rules of the association

Unofficial rules based on the legally binding Finnish text found here:

Name and home place

Name of the association is Blanko ry and its home place is Oulu.

Purpose and models of operation

The purpose of the association is to work as the information processing students advocacy group and bond and support the common interests of the students of this study field.

The purpose of the association is not to bring financial gain to its members.

To support the purpose of the association they can practice the following activities:

  • Publish and provide material related to the field to its members
  • Arrange meetings, both couseling and study events but also study trips.
  • Participate in Oulu University’s development of studies
  • Keep up the relations to Oulu University, Oulu University student union and to the other associations and companies of the field
  • Organize the following free-time activities to its members:
    • Sports activity
    • Evening activity
    • Self-willed hobby activity

The association can arrange fundraising, lotteries and receive financial aid, donations and testaments and own necessary fixed and movable property for its activity, conduct fundraisers and form funds and foundations.

Regulations of membership

The board will accept new members.
The board can dismiss a member from the association in a board meeting, if member

  1. Has not fulfilled the obligations, that he/she has pledged to follow when joining the association;
  2. Has caused tremendous harm or harmed the association in a continuous manner;
  3. Has acted against the associations rules or against its purpose; or
  4. Doesn’t fulfill the requisites for membership anymore.

The reason for the seceding member has to be explained to him/her at least two weeks before the board meeting. The member has the right to be heard. In the written decision the reason for the dismissal has to be explained.

The member is looked to be resigned if the member has not paid his/her membership until the end of the year.

A member can secede from the association by sending a written dismissal or to the chairperson or announce the secession to be written in a board meeting record.

Individual persons who study information processing science in University Of Oulu are able to join the association. The board can accept an individual person or a legal entity to be a support member or an honorable member of the association. The title “Oltermanni” can be used for honorable members. All the achieved member rights are preserved.

The association charges a joining fee and an annual (1.8.-31.7.) membership fee and the price for each member group is decided in the association’s election meeting, Honorary members are freed of membership charges.

The board may impose a temporary ban of up to six months on a member from attending guild-organized events other than meetings and from using guild premises if the member:

  1. has, while representing the guild at a guild-organized event or other events, verifiably violated another person’s physical integrity,
  2. has, while representing the guild at a guild-organized event or other events, verifiably tampered with another person’s property without permission,
  3. has not complied with an expulsion request made by the responsible person or the harassment contact person at a guild-organized event,
  4. has otherwise behaved in an equally inappropriate and disruptive manner.

Before a decision is made on the matter, the member must be given an opportunity to provide an explanation on their behalf. The reason must be recorded in the minutes.

Association meetings

An annual meeting and an election meeting are held each year. The annual meeting is to be held by the end of April, and the election meeting is between November 1 and December 10.

At the annual meeting, at least the following matters are addressed:

  • The board’s annual report, financial statement, and auditors’ reports
  • Approval of the financial statement
  • Granting discharge from liability to the board or any other actions warranted by the administration and accounts from the past year

At the election meeting, at least the following matters are addressed:

  • The board’s proposal for the action plan and budget for the following year
  • Decision on the number of board members and the distribution of roles among them
  • Election of board members
  • Election of an operations inspector and deputy operations instructor
  • Election of representatives for TIVIA ry’s general meeting
  • Election of an honorary member (Oltermanni)
  • Election of officers and auxiliary bodies desired by the election meeting
  • Determination of the membership fees for the following year

The association shall convene as necessary at the board’s discretion or upon the written request of at least one-tenth (1/10) of the members for a specific matter, in which case the meeting must be held within thirty (30) days.

Notice of the meeting must be given on the association’s website and via email to members at least 5 days prior to the meeting date.

Members may participate in the association’s meeting by mail, through a telecommunications connection, or by other technical means, either during the meeting or in advance, if so decided by the board or the association’s meeting.

Only regular and local members who have paid the association’s membership fee are eligible to vote and stand for election at association meetings. Other members have the right to speak at association meetings.

The association meeting is quorate if it has been convened in accordance with the rules.

The election of board members is conducted individually for each role specified in the rules, as well as for any additional roles determined at the election meeting, using a majority voting system. If no candidate receives more than half of the votes in the first round, a second round is held between the two candidates with the most votes, with the candidate receiving the most votes in this round being elected. If the two candidates receive an equal number of votes in the second round, the election is decided by drawing lots.

The minutes of the association meeting are to be reviewed by two (2) minute-examiners selected at the meeting, within fifteen (15) days of the meeting’s conclusion.

The election meeting may, if desired, select officers and auxiliary bodies for the board as deemed necessary. If there is more than one officer position, a single-round voting process is conducted, where each eligible voter may vote for up to as many candidates as there are officer positions. Each vote holds equal value, and those receiving the most votes are elected in order until all positions are filled. If there is only one officer position, the same voting method as for board members is used.


The association’s affairs are managed by a board elected for a term (calendar year), which consists of the following members: chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, relations officer, and 1-5 additional members.

The board’s duty is to work toward achieving the association’s objectives and purposes. To this end, the board:

  • Prepares a proposal for the association’s action plan and budget.
  • Represents the association and makes commitments on its behalf
  • Calls and prepares the association’s meetings
  • Ensures adherence to decisions made at association meetings
  • Manages the association’s finances
  • Is authorized to establish auxiliary bodies to carry out specific tasks and to appoint or dismiss association officers based on points 4 and 7 as well as principles of a safer space
  • Prepares the association’s activity and financial reports

The board has quorum if at least half of its members, including either the chairperson or the vice-chairperson, are present. In addition to the chairperson, the vice-chairperson may also call a meeting.

The association’s name may be signed by the chairperson, vice-chairperson, relations officer, and treasurer. The board may also authorize a member of the association to sign on behalf of the association.

Management of the association’s accounts

The association’s accounts are closed annually at the end of the calendar year. The accounts, along with the annual report prepared by the board and other necessary documents related to accounting and administration, must be submitted to the association’s auditor by the end of February for review of administration and accounts.

The operations instructor must, within 21 days of receiving the materials, provide the board with a report addressed to the association’s annual meeting on the audit conducted of the association’s administration and accounts.

Special Provisions

The association’s motto is “Guild of Information Processors at the University of Oulu, since 1973,” and the association’s emblem is Blankoukko.

The association’s honorary and merit badges are regulated by the Blanko badge regulation, which are approved at an association meeting.

The association adheres to safer space principles, for which compliance is overseen by the board and maintenance by the association meeting. The safer space principles must be displayed in the guild’s event communications and in the guild’s facilities.

Decisions regarding the dissolution of the association require a five-sixths (5/6) majority of votes cast at an association meeting, as well as confirmation of the decision by the same majority at a subsequent association meeting held at least one month later.

Decisions to amend the association’s rules require a three-fourths (3/4) majority of votes cast at an association meeting, and proposed amendments must be mentioned in the meeting notice.

If the association is dissolved, its assets shall be used in accordance with the decision of the final meeting to serve purposes that align with the association’s objectives.

In other matters, the current Associations Act shall apply.