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Job descriptions

Board of Blanko

The Board of Blanko is responsible for the everyday life of the guild. It takes care that the website is up-to-date together with the Web team. In addition, every member of the board should know about the background and content of the following things:

  • Blanko’s history (at least superficially)
  • How TIVIA works
  • Blanko’s traditional events
  • Members of the degree program (at least those who work with students)
  • A general picture of the University, such as institutions
  • Sister guilds


The Chair:

  • Acts as the representative of the board and is on the most official level of the board
  • Convenes meetings and leads discussions
  • Represents the guild in official matters such as chairperson meetings of TIVIA
  • Acts as TEK’s guild contact person
  • Maintains relationships with sister guilds, OLuT ry, and OYY
  • Prepares annual reports and action plans, makes guidelines
  • Strives to develop the guild’s activities
  • Writes the Chairperson’s column in Blankki magazine
  • Takes care of the board’s members and active members’ guidance
  • Diplomatic

Vice Chair

The Vice Chair:

  • Acts as the Chair and takes care of representative tasks if the Chair is unable to convene the meeting
  • Assistant to the Chair, their so-called right hand
  • Organizes Blanko’s part in the Oulu University Day (Oulun korkeakoulupäivä) together with the faculty
  • Responsible for alumni activities together with Pioco ry
  • In charge of ordering overalls for freshers
  • In charge of other appointed projects


The Secretary:

  • Acts as the secretary during board meetings and other similar activities and transcribes documents
  • Makes sure that the minutes are checked and verified following the agreed inspection practice
  • Writes and sends the summaries of decisions made in the meetings to guild members
  • Maintains and develops the filing systems and methods


The Treasurer:

  • Takes care of the organization’s accounting per good accounting practice
  • Prepares the association’s financial statements
  • Creates the organization’s budget for the fall meeting
  • Manages financial transactions (bill payments, travel allowances, cash withdrawals, etc.)
  • Does the invoicing
  • Handles contact with the bank
  • Has Blanko’s bank card and uses it per the board’s decisions
  • Handles remote sales of overall patches

PR Manager

The PR Manager:

  • Represents the PR team on the board
  • Maintains and actively creates new relationships with other organizations and the business world
  • The primary contact person for those outside the guild
  • Works in cooperation with companies in organizing recruitment and training events and the like, such as partnership company evenings
  • Responsible for planning and organizing the partnership company project
  • Responsible for the success of Blanko’s marketing

Event Manager

The Event Manager:

  • Represents the Event team on the board
  • Organizes the practical arrangements of events, such as bookings and other inquiries, with the help of the Event team
  • Maintains and creates relationships with other guilds in the context of joint events
  • Has the responsibility of event organizing, delegating tasks, and keeping the Event team on track 
  • Has Blanko’s other bank card and uses it per the board’s decisions

Communications Manager

The Communications Manager:

  • Responsible for informing Blanko’s members about topics and events that might interest them
  • Manages Blanko’s email lists
  • Takes care of Blanko’s notice board
  • Takes care of Blanko’s event calendar together with Blanko’s board
  • Collects the mail for the board meetings

Education Manager

The Education Manager:

  • Acts as a mediator between students and the degree program to improve teaching
  • Collects student feedback and, if needed, organizes events and campaigns for giving feedback
  • Represents students in the Degree Programme Committee meetings or arranges an alternate representative if unable to attend
  • Takes care of choosing student representatives for varying groups
  • Partakes in OYY meetings regarding academic and social affairs
  • Informs the board of Blanko of the activities and decisions of the previously mentioned groups
  • Writes the Education Manager’s column in the Blankki magazine
  • Coordinates the Programming Club

HR Manager

The HR Manager:

  • Acts as Blanko’s anti-harassment contact person together with the Fresher Manager
  • Acts as the contact person for TIVIA’s member secretary
  • Orders Blanko’s full member list if necessary
  • Maintains Blanko’s local member list and takes care of the approval and renewal of local memberships in cooperation with the treasurer
  • Keeps the rest of the board informed about the number of members
  • Keeps members informed about changes and news in membership matters as well as answers questions about them
  • Manages the implementation of GDPR
  • Handles the distribution of Blanko’s Google accounts and maintenance rights for Telegram and Discord groups

Fresher Manager

The Fresher Manager:

  • Acts as Blanko’s harassment contact person together with the HR Manager
  • Takes part in recruiting Student Tutors
  • Acts as the contact person for Student Tutors and a link between Tutors and the board
  • Helps freshers with their problems and answers their questions
  • Takes care of the fresher passport and improves it
  • Improves activities and events meant for all freshers
  • Updates and maintains the fresher page on Blanko’s website
  • Responsible for planning and organizing the arrival of new freshers in fall
  • Responsible for the Haalarikastajaiset -event (the Baptism of Overalls)
  • Helps organize Blanko’s part in the Oulu University Day (Oulun korkeakoulupäivä) together with the Vice Chair

Actives of Blanko

OLuT Manager

The OLuT Manager:

  • Acts as the link between Blanko ry and OLuT ry
  • A member of the OLuT ry board and takes part in their board meetings
  • Informs Blanko’s board about OLuT news
  • Works to improve OLuT’s activities
  • Notifies Blanko’s members about OLuT events through the communications manager
  • Cooperates and tries to organize interdisciplinary events with other guilds under OLuT

Event team

The Event team includes the Event Manager, Programmers, Culture Managers, and Sports Managers. Its responsibility is organizing and developing Blanko’s events.

Programmers (Event assistants)

The Programmers:

  • Organize the practical arrangements of events, such as booking event locations and shared rides
  • Plan event visitor numbers, purchases, and their adequacy
  • Come up with the program for events
  • Maintain and create relationships with other guilds in the context of joint events

Culture Managers

The Culture Managers:

  • Develop Blanko’s cultural events
  • Come up with new ideas for cultural events, such as movie/game nights and theater visits, and organizes said events

Sports Managers

The Sports Managers:

  • Take care of Blanko’s sports-related arrangements
  • Inform members about the University’s sports shifts and news
  • Develop and come up with new sports activities
  • Organize Blanko’s team for possible university sports leagues

PR team

The PR team:

  • Maintains and actively creates new relationships with other organizations and the business world
  • The primary contact for those outside the guild
  • Works in cooperation with companies in organizing recruitment and training events
  • Responsible for planning and organizing the partnership company project
  • Responsible for the success of Blanko’s marketing
  • Acquires articles from partnership companies for the Blankki magazine together with the Blankki team

Education team

The Education team:

  • Includes one or two members from first, second, and third-year students
  • Attempts to identify issues related to studies and brings them to the attention of the Education Manager
  • Helps the Education Manager solve problems related to studies and cooperates with the degree program if needed
  • Strives to improve the activity of the Education team
  • Participate in the planning of possible feedback days and takes part in said events

International Relations Manager IRMa


  • Organizes Blanko-info and/or international evenings for international and exchange students
  • Helps international and exchange students become acquainted with Blanko’s activities and events
  • Develops relationships with international degree programmes
  • Maintains and improves the English version of Blanko’s website

Web team

The Web team:

  • Develops and maintains Blanko’s website and makes sure that everything is up-to-date
  • Responsible for the website’s user management
  • Has the whole picture of what the website contains and how it is built
  • Adds registration forms and information pages about different events to the site when needed
  • Determines who is responsible for different sections of the website
  • Works together with the Blankki team on the digital version of the magazine
  • May work together with graphic designers on event graphics and marketing

The Bugi team

The Bugi team:

  • Responsible for the maintenance of Blanko’s Bugi server
  • Takes care of Bugi’s day-to-day operations, related purchases, and login distribution

Live stream team

The Live stream team:

  • Responsible for the technical implementation of Blanko’s streaming operations and the maintenance of the Twitch account
  • Ideates streams together with the Event team
  • Strives to develop Blanko’s streaming operations

Social media team

The Social media team:

  • Responsible for maintaining Blanko’s social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Responsible for content production and information on social media
  • Participates in the planning of applicant marketing for the degree programme under the leadership of the vice president
  • Strives to participate in university streams and other social media activities when requested or looks for others who are willing to participate
  • Aims to develop Blanko’s social media

Graphic designers

The Graphic designers:

  • Plan Blanko’s event announcements and social media posts
  • Produce visual material for Blankki
  • Work in cooperation with the Web team by designing and developing the graphic appearance of Blanko’s website


The Photographers:

  • Take photos at events
  • Produce visual material for Blanko’s website and Blankki
  • Maintain Blanko’s photo gallery

Guild Room Manager

The Guild Room Manager:

  • Takes care of the general condition and development of the guild room and guild office, as well as organizing cleaning
  • Keeps guild room recycling operating
  • Develops the long term coziness of the guild room
  • Takes care of small practical matters in the guild room and guild office, such as sufficient coffee, tea, and sugar
  • Actively, with the board, follows the discussion about underground guild rooms

Wine Master

The Wine Master:

  • Takes care of the practical arrangements for serving drinks at Blanko’s events and possibly acts as the person responsible behind the counter
  • Prepares high-quality home wine using Blanko’s recipe and handles the related practical arrangements
  • Develops their professional skills
  • Trains the Wine Assistant

Wine Assistant

The Wine Assistant:

  • Familiarizes themselves with the secrets of making high-quality home wine under the guidance of the Wine master
  • Serves as the Wine Master the following year

Editor-in-Chief of Blankki

The Editor-in-Chief:

  • Responsible for the publishing of Blankki and the Blankki team working
  • Participates in making and developing Blankki and writes editorials
  • Works in cooperation with the degree program regarding the publication of FuksiBlankki (special issue aimed at freshers)

Blankki team

The Blankki team:

  • Compiles at least four issues of Blankki for publication during the school year (two per semester)
  • Creates FuksiBlankki (special issue aimed at freshers)
  • Actively looks for writers
  • Makes sure, together with the PR Manager and PR team, that the partners’ logos are up-to-date and the partners’ stories get published
  • Takes care of the web version of Blankki on Blanko’s website

Student Tutors

The Student Tutors:

  • Freshers’ first and perhaps most important connection to university life
  • Have their own group of freshers to help and guide at the beginning of the school year
  • Get chosen by the Fresher Manager and the degree programme