Blanko ry is a guild of Information Processing Science students at the University of Oulu, founded in 1973. The purpose of the association is to act as an non-profit advocacy and liaison between Information Processing Science students both at the University of Oulu and nationwide, and thus to support the joint efforts of students in the field.
Blanko is an active student community that organizes a wide variety of events and activities for its members and other students. Blanko’s operations are mainly funded through partnership packages offered to companies. Through partnership activities, students get to know work life and companies in the field right at the beginning of their studies.
Blanko has about 400 members and is one of the largest guilds at the University of Oulu. The members are mainly current and former students of Information Processing Science, but the guild board can also accept other people as members. Blanko’s Guild Room is located on Geokatu on the Linnanmaa campus, next to the Humus Kuppila.
Blanko ry is a member association of the Finnish Information Processing Association (TIVIA), Oulun Luonnontieteilijät ry (Association of science students at University of Oulu) and Tietotekniikan opiskelijoiden liitto ry (Association of IT students in Finland). In addition, we actively co-operate with the Finnish Association of Technology Academics TEK and the Student Union of the University of Oulu OYY. We also monitor the rights of our students in the degree program committee of Information Processing Science where we have student representative.